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Inbox Rules

Configure email rules to automatically take action as emails hit the inbox.

With Aptly’s Inbox Rules, you are able to set your inbox up with superpowers. You may be used to setting up rules in your old email inbox to flag emails or move them into folders. Aptly Inbox Rules allow you to take new powerful control of your workflow by creating cards, notifying teams, replying to emails, and other critical actions as your emails hit the inbox.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. How to create a new Inbox Rule.
  1. How to create an Inbox Rule in six different scenarios.
  1. How to edit an existing Inbox Rule.

How to Create a New Inbox Rule

You can create a new Inbox Rule from your Aptly Inbox. Follow the steps below to create your Inbox Rule.

Notion image
  1. Click Inbox Configuration located at the bottom of the inbox menu and select Inbox Rules.
  1. Click +Add a new rule.
  1. Enter a descriptive title for your new rule.
  1. Select the inbox for the rule.
  1. Select the condition and criteria. Available conditions and descriptions are shown in the table below.
  1. Select an action and decide how often the action will occur (once per conversation or on every inbound message). Available actions and descriptions are below.
  1. To pause your Inbox Rule from triggering, toggle STOP PROCESSING on. It will show green when it’s toggled ON.
  1. When you are finished, click Save.
Inbox Rules take about 10 minutes to start processing and are not retroactive.

This interactive image includes clickable buttons with more information about each field.


Any email
Any and all emails entering the inbox will cause the action to occur.
If the email is assigned to a specific user(s), the rule will trigger. Add the assignees to whom the rule applies.
Any text in the body of the email that equals, contains, starts with, or ends with the specified words or phrases.
Certain Contact Types
If the sender’s contact card matches the selected contact type, the rule will apply.
Certain Recipients
If any word or phrase in the recipient field of the email equals, contains, starts with, or ends with specified text.
Certain Senders
If the sender field of an email equals, contains, starts with, or ends with specified words or phrases.
Date Range
The email was received between or outside of a defined period of time (date and time).
Response SLA (Service Level Agreement)
The time until a response has reached a set duration of time waiting for a response in the inbox in hours, days, or weeks.
Related Card
The email is related (connected) to a specific card or any card from a specific board(s).
The email has or has not been replied to.
The subject line equals, contains, starts with, or ends with specific text.
Time Range
The email was received between or outside of a defined time of a specified day(s) of the week not a date on the calendar like date range.
The email is tagged with the selected topic(s).
Your conditions can be stacked with AND/OR operators. In between each AND operator, you may group together multiple conditions using the OR operator.


Add Topics
Assign one or many topic(s) to the email.
Assign To
Assign the email to a specific user, pick a user in a round-robin manner, or pick a specific team via round-robin.
Create Card
Create a new card for a specific board and stage. • Assign it to a specific user or conversation assignee. • Choose to always create a new card. • Archive the conversation when a card is created. • Assign the conversation to the card assignee if it is different than the original assignee.
Flag Conversation
Flag the email for a specific user. It will notify them, add a Flag icon to the email, and add it to the Flagged folder in their MINE view of the Inboxes Menu.
Forward Email
Forward the email to a specific recipient, include a template, and send as a specified user.
Move To Folder
Move the email to a specific folder.
Send an Aptly notification to a user or team and optionally add a message.
Relate To Card
Add the email to a specific card’s related tab.
Relate To Location
Add the email to a specific location’s related tab.
Remind Me
Send yourself a notification if the email has not been replied to, read, or regardless after a set number of days.
Reply To Email
Automatically send a reply to everyone or just the sender, choose a template, and send as a specific user.
Share To
Share the email with a specific user or team. This adds an @mention to the conversation and will appear in their Shared with Me folder in MINE view of the Inboxes Menu.
Update Card
Update cards on a specific board and a specified stage (if the rule only applies to a stage) by attaching the incoming email. You can choose to assign these updated cards to a new assignee or use the conversation assignee.

Common Inbox Rules Scenarios

The Guide below will go through 6 common scenarios (use cases) for Inbox Rules including Out of Office Auto-Responders. Click Start to begin!

How to Edit Existing Inbox Rules

After you create your Inbox Rules, you can always edit them as needed. You can access all of your Inbox Rules from your Inbox by clicking on Inbox Configuration > Inbox Rules.


The image below is interactive and has more information about the different functions in the Inbox Rules Window.

Filter and Search Bar

You can filter your Inbox Rules by Inbox as well as search for a specific inbox rule by typing into the search bar.

Pause/Unpause Inbox Rules

Quickly pause an Inbox Rule by clicking on the Toggle for the appropriate Inbox Rule. Similarly, clicking on the Toggle will turn it back on.


  1. Click the pencil icon.
  1. Using the same interface to create an inbox rule, change the condition and action as desired.
  1. Click Save.
Edits may take up to 10 minutes to reflect changes.

Clone Rule

  • Click on the clone icon


  • Click on the trash icon.


  • Click and hold the third icon.
  • Drag the rule up and down and release it in the desired position.

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