Topics are a quick way to organize your emails. In Aptly, they have an additional purpose: suggested templates and actions.
In this article you’ll learn:
- What Topics are and why Private Topics are important.
- How to create and configure Private Topics and their Keywords.
- How to correct a Private Topic.
What are Topics and Why are They Important?
Aptly automatically categorizes and labels conversations using Topics. Based on keywords in the message, Aptly assigns the Topics you have configured to conversations. Topics can help you streamline communication organization, prioritize issues, and collect valuable insights.
Private Topics allow you to:
- Categorize conversations in your personal inbox to identify trends.
- Streamline day-to-day tasks and priorities.
- Use a suggested communication template to respond quickly to messages.
Configure Topics and Keywords
Although the configuration of Shared Topics is limited to administrators, all users can configure Private Topics and keywords. By default, Aptly has Topics and Keywords set up for Shared Topics, but there are no preset Private Topics. Each individual user must configure their own Private Topics and Keywords. It is important to note that Aptly only looks for exact keyword matches and will not link synonyms (e.g., "invite" will not link to "invitation," and "log-in" will not link to "login").
How to Create a New Topic
You can create as many new Topics as you need.
- Click on the Settings Icon⚙️ in the bottom left of the browser.
- Click on My Topics located under My Settings.
- Click the Add Topic button in the upper right corner.
- Type in the Name of the new Topic. This should be a very short label your team will use to categorize multiple conversations.
- Add Keywords to your topic to automatically assign topics to conversations with those keywords. You can add as many as you’d like.
- Click Save when finished. You can edit the topic later by selecting the pencil icon to add or delete keywords.
Configure Keywords
If your messages are incorrectly being assigned to Topics or not being assigned at all, you might need to look at the Topic and its keywords. Additional keywords may need to be added to the Topic or deleted from another Topic.
- Click the Settings icon⚙️ in the bottom left of the browser.
- Click on My Topics located under My Settings.
- Click the Pencil icon✏️ to edit the Topic.
- Under Keywords, click X to delete inaccurate keywords.
- Add new, accurate Keywords separated by commas to expand your database.
- Click Save.
Add a Topic to a Conversation
You can manually add a Topic to a conversation. You can also delete a Topic from a conversation. This can occur if there is a missing Keyword for the Topic. After manually adding the Topic, be sure to add the Keyword to the Topic.
- Click on a conversation in your inbox.
- Open the Details Pane by clicking on the hamburger icon (3 horizontal lines).
- Under Topics, click the plus + icon.
- Select the Topics you’d like to add. You can also use the search bar to find a specific Topic. To delete a topic, click the X that appears when you hover your pointer over the Topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why aren’t topics being assigned to my messages correctly?
If Aptly assigns the wrong Topic to a conversation, it’s important to remove and correct it. Otherwise, Aptly will act as though it is labeled correctly and will suggest inappropriate communication template responses and show inaccurate conversation data.
- Select a conversation from your inbox.
- Under topics, in the right column, click X to delete the incorrect Topic.
- You can switch between All, Private, and Shared Topics and search by text.
- Select the correct Topic.