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Organizing Emails with Topics

Topics allow you to label and group similar conversations for easy viewing.

While Aptly can automatically categorize and label conversations with Topics, users can manually add conversations to them as well. Assigning Topics to conversations based on keywords and content in the message can help you and your team streamline communication organization, prioritize issues, and collect valuable insights.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. Add a Topic to a conversation.
  1. View and search conversations by Topic.
  1. Manage your Topics.

How to Add a Topic to a Conversation

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  1. Click on a conversation in your inbox. Expand the Conversation Details.
  1. Under Topics, click the plus icon.
  1. If using an existing Topic, choose from All, Public or Private, then click on the selected Topic from the list. You can also use the search bar to find a specific Topic.
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  1. If the Topic you’re looking for doesn’t exist, click New Topic.
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      • Select whether this is a Private Topic or a Public Topic with the toggle.
      • In the name field, type the name of your Topic. This should be a very short label you’ll use to categorize multiple conversations.
      • It’s optional to add a description and keywords to your Topic. Keywords assist Aptly in automatically assigning Topics to conversations with those Keywords. Learn more about configuring Keywords in the related articles: Configuring Shared Topics and Configuring Private Topics
      • Click Create. Then select the Topic you created to assign it to the conversation.
  1. To delete a Topic from your conversation, hover over the Topic and click X.
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How to View Conversations by Topic

You can easily view conversations by Topic by adding them to your Inbox Menu.

  1. To add a Topic to your Inbox Menu, click More.
  1. Click Add Topics and select which Topics you’d like to filter conversations by. Click anywhere outside of the box to exit.
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  1. To view the conversations by Topic, click the Topic view you created in your Inbox Menu. Your inbox will show all the conversations for that Topic.
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You can also search for conversations by Topic using the search bar. Click the drop-down arrow on the search bar. Under Topic, click the drop-down and select the Topic before clicking Search.

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