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Managing Automations

How to manage and edit existing automations.

An organized collection of automations is essential to ensuring edits and optimizations may be completed quickly and without error. It’s important to determine what organizational structure benefits your team and apply those principles to new and existing automations.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  1. Navigate the Automations window
  1. Create Automation Folders
  1. Edit an existing Automation

Automations Window

The Automations window will allow you to create new, browse existing, and edit Automations.

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The left-hand navigation gives you control to either create a new Automation or filter your existing Automation by active or paused Automations.

Above your folders and Automations is the search tool. Searching can either be done by search term or filtering by automation action type. To filter by type, click the All dropdown to filter by the following options.

  • All
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Tasks
  • Follow up
  • Assignee
  • Due Date
  • Archive Card
  • Archive Card & Conversations
  • Change Stage
  • Update Related Cards Stage
  • Notify

Creating Folders

By organizing your Automations with descriptive folders, individual Automations may be quickly found and updated as needed. Consider the example above in which Automations are categorized by the context of action. Some Automations will all be relevant to a new lease such as delivering a move-in inspection sheet and following up for completion. Similarly, you may have a series of Automations to manage your eviction process.

There are two options to create folders:

  • During the process of creating a new automation
    • Notion image
      1. Click New Automation.
      1. Click Choose a Folder.
      1. Click Add Folder.
  • From the automation window
      1. Click the gear icon.
        1. Notion image
      1. Click Add Folder.
        1. Notion image

When creating a new folder, you will have the option to title it and select a color to identify the folder.

Edit an Existing Automation

You may need to update existing Automations after they have been launched.

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  1. First, find the Automation you are looking to edit. This can either be done by navigating your folders or using the search bar.
  1. Click on the more menu icon (3 vertical dots).
  1. Click Edit.
  1. You will now be able to edit any component of the automation.
  1. When finished, click Save.

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