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Digest Reports

Details for digest reports

Example Report
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Card Metrics Details

Card Metrics

  • Details:
    • Excludes deleted cards, includes archived cards
  • New Leads
    • Any card created in timeframe
  • Unassigned
    • Any card created in timeframe AND w/o an assignee
  • % Toured
    • Toured are any cards w/ an 'attended' event in the month to date range
    • % Toured = # toured / new leads
      • This metric is misleading as it includes compares month to date tours vs cards created during the report time frame
  • % Won
    • Any cards created month to date in a 'won' stage
    • % Won = # won / new leads
      • This metric is misleading as it includes compares month to date tours vs cards created during the report time frame
Message Metrics

Message Metrics

  • Details:
    • Looks at all streams related to cards with a 'last activity' in the specified time frame.
    • Excludes deleted cards, includes archived cards.
    • Excludes junked streams, excludes closed streams
  • Outbound Messages
    • ONLY SMS/Emails
    • Counts each message (i.e. same discussion may appear twice)
  • Inbound Messages
    • ONLY SMS/Emails
    • Counts each message (i.e. same discussion may appear twice)
  • Inbound w/o Reply
    • Count each card where the last message is an inbound (card.activity.lastActivity.direction), the last message is an email or SMS (card.activity.lastActivity.type), the last message is in the report time frame (card.activity.lastActivity.published).
    • Excludes cards in a closed stage (won or lost)
    • Excludes archived cards
  • Phone Calls
    • Inbound or outbound
    • Counts each call (i.e. same discussion may appear twice)

Team Performance

  • This Week / This Data - ( Scoped to selected time frame)
    • Activities completed - deprecated
      • Selected time frame (week/day)
      • Activities: Completed tasks, related events during time period that were attended, each inbound message in the time frame (sms/voice/email), each outbound message in the time frame (sms/voice/email)
    • Automated Activities
      • Selected time frame (week/day)
      • Activities: Each outbound message in the time frame not sent via automation or system trigger (sms/voice/email)
      • Streams may be junked/closed and count. Deleted streams will not be counted.
    • Manual Activities
      • Selected time frame (week/day)
      • Activities: Completed tasks, related events during time period that were attended, each inbound message in the time frame (sms/voice/email), each outbound message in the time frame not sent via automation or system trigger (sms/voice/email)
      • Streams may be junked/closed and count. Deleted streams will not be counted.
    • Leads Waiting
      • Any card open (regardless of create date) or closed in the month to date range
      • Any card w/ the last activity being an inbound (sms/voice/email)
      • An activity is only counted if it is open and not marked as junk
  • This Month
    • Avg Response Time
      • Any card open (regardless of create date), any card closed month to date, or any card archived month to date
      • Based messages in the card responses
    • Leads active
      • Any card open (regardless of create date)
    • Leads won
      • Any card open (regardless of create date), any card closed month to date, or any card archived month to date that is also in a 'won' column
    • Leads lost
      • Any card marked as archived or closed month to date
    • Total
      • Any card open (regardless of create date), any card closed month to date, or any card archived month to date
Funnel Report

Funnel Report

  • Steps - based on stage groups
  • Count - Total number of cards that were in that stage group at some point AND that were created in the month to date time range. Archived cards are counted. Deleted cards are not.
  • (+/-) value - the increase or decrease of cards since the previous time period (i.e. change yesterday or in last week)
Most Active Leads

Most Active Leads

  • Cards created in the time frame AND have inbounds AND have outbounds.
  • This shows the cards with the most back and forth convos.
    • i.e. number of inbounds w/ a follow-up outbound.
    • Could also be defined as 'chattiest' leads
Won Leads

Won Leads

  • Cards closed in the time frame AND are in a won column
  • Archived cards are shown, deleted cards are not
  • If there are more than 5 won leads THEN it shows a summary row saying +## more
  • Age is the close date - created date
Leaderboard / Won Leads

Leaderboard / Won Leads

  • Cards created month to date
  • Won cards = leads currently in a won column
  • Avg Activities = avg activities taken (automated + manual)
  • Avg Response Time = avg time it takes for an inbound to get a matching outbound. If an inbound never got an outbound it will be left off
  • Age = for won cards this is Close Date - Created Date. If card is not won it will be left off
  • Sort - based off of won percent (a now hidden column)
Top Lead Sources

Top Lead Sources

  • Cards created in the time frame
  • Archived cards are shown, deleted cards are not
  • Shows the top 5 sources then shoves all the other ones into another row
  • Cards w/ no lead source are dumped into the other row
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