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Understanding Screening Status

Dive into the different Application Statuses with Aptly Screening

Applications are visible as a list view. They are grouped by their status in the Application Process. Use this article as a reference to the descriptions of each Application Status.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. How to understand the different application statuses.

Application Statuses

When the Application List is first installed in your account, the board will be blank until you get your first application.

Notion image
Application Status
All Applications Incomplete
Applications in a household are incomplete until they are paid for, consented to, provided income, and finished the app.
Partially Completed Applications
At least one application in the household has yet to be completed.
Pending Screening
All applications are completed for the household and ready to be screened.
Screening Incomplete
After screening is started on a household, there is at least one application that is waiting to be screened.
Pending Decision
Screening has been completed on all applications in the household. Applications are ready for review.
Application Approved
An application has been marked as approved by a team member. This will override other statuses.
Application Denied
An application has been marked as denied by a team member. This will override other statuses.
Application Closed
An application has been marked closed. This status will only appear if an application is closed. Closed applications should subsequently be archived.This will override other statuses.
Application Canceled
An applicant canceled their application. This status will only appear if an application is closed. Closed applications should subsequently be archived. This will override ALL other statuses.
Application Approved, Application Canceled, Application Closed, and Application Denied will override all other statuses for the applications in question. This means that if an application was partially completed, one completed member of the household had their application screened and then denied, then the partially completed application would move to the Denied Status.

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