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Using a Waitlist Board

Use a waitlist for upcoming properties.

You can use a waitlist with Aptly Screening to gather leads for properties that are not yet available.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  1. Create or install a waitlist board
  1. Create a waitlist form
  1. Connect the waitlist board to applications
  1. Use a Renter Leads board as a waitlist.

How to Install or Create a Waitlist Board

There are two options for a waitlist board - you can create one yourself from a blank general use board or download our template. The template includes waitlist related fields and a waitlist form. There are no automations, communication templates, or task templates included.

To install the template board, head to any board:

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  1. Then, click + Add Board.
  1. Select Create Board from Gallery.
  1. Locate Waitlist, then click Install Template. Wait for the green banner to appear.
  1. You board is installed and ready to use!

Create a Waitlist Board

  1. From a board, click +Add a Board.
  1. Select Create Blank Board.
  1. Add a name and select a color and icon.
  1. Select a board type - you can choose General Use Board.
  1. Toggle on for public and off for private.
  1. Select a folder or add a new board folder.
  1. Click Save.

How to Create a Waitlist Form

If you install the Waitlist board from the Template Gallery, you can use the form that is included. It can be adjusted to meet your team’s needs (See: How to Create a Form).

To create a new form, head to Forms on the left.

  1. Click create + New Form.
  1. Type in a Name.
  1. Type in the Page Title (this is what your form submitter will see in the tab of their web browser).
  1. Add a description (optional: Helps your team understand the use of the form).
  1. Select a contact type for new contacts (Prospect).
  1. Launch Form Builder to create your form.

For more details on creating forms, see: How to Create a Form.

How to Connect the Waitlist Board to Applications

Once you’ve created your waitlist board, you’ll want to connect it to your Applications. This will be found in your Screening Management settings.

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  1. Click your avatar and select Settings.
  1. Click Screening Management.
  1. Click Board Settings.
  1. Select the location that you’d like to set the waitlist for.
  1. Select your waitlist board and form.
  1. Click Save.
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How to Use a Renter Leads Board as a Waitlist

Instead of creating a whole new board to manage waitlists, you also have the option of using your Renter Leads Board.

Add a Waitlist Stage

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  1. On the Renter Leads board, click Card Settings > Manage Stages.
  1. Click + Add Option to add to an existing field group. Type in the stage title and select a color.
  1. Click Save.

Add a Waitlist Form to the Renter Leads Board

  1. See instructions above for creating a new form and this help article: How to Create a Form
  1. On the Waitlist form settings, you’ll want to select a default value for the Stage. This will cause a submitted form to create a card in the Waitlist stage.
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  1. Under Screening Management Settings > Board Settings > Edit Collection (as shown above), you’ll select the Renter Leads board as your Waitlist board and select the Waitlist form from the Renter Leads board.

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